Ghosts... of the Civil Dead

Ghosts... of the Civil Dead (1988)
Ghosts... of the Civil Dead
Australia 93 min.
Michelle Babbitt
Howard Bell
George Bidlo
Mike Bishop
Peter Black
Nick Cave
Rusty Chilcott
Tony Clark
Mark Clarke
Brett Collins
Robin Dene
Chris DeRose
Freddo Dierck
M.E. Duncan
Simon During
David Field
John Flaus
Rob Fox
Gary Francis
Paul Galwey
Vincent Gil
Simon Gratton
Steve Hardman
Mick Harvey
Zlatko Kasumovic
Mick King
Bogdan Koca
Peter Lawless
Kevin Mackey
Mick Manzaris
Dave Mason
Ed McShortall
Colin Mitchell
Ian Mortimer
Angelo Papadopoulos
Tony Redford
Robert Scrivano
Nick Seferi
Steve Shears
Trevor Templeton
Louis Trifunovic
Yilmaz Tuhan
Robert Willis